Everyone Is You Pushed Out / Physical World & Illusions

How Everything is Your Mirror: Everything is You Pushed Out

When you look in the mirror, you never question that your reflection is you. You accept that the person looking back at you is who you are on the human level, and that the image before you is what you physically look like. You would accept your face as yours even if it looked a little different: whether it was lit from below, or only from the side, whether you were fully made up or if you had just rolled out of bed. No matter how different you might look in any given circumstance, you will always accept your reflection to be yours because you know that whatever you do, the image you see is always mimicking back. You step back from the mirror, and so does your reflection, and therefore there is no separation between the action you take and what you see reflected back to you.

We are so accepting that our reflection is us that we even bypass the fact that all mirrors are a little distorted. For example, if you look in the mirror and wave your right hand, the reflection will look like the left hand is waving back. However, you would never question this, and your brain would still make sense of it because you have inherently accepted that this is just the way that mirrors are. 

The physical world is a mirror, too, and it works in exactly the same way. The difference is that we seldom recognise our own reflection. We don’t recognise it because we still believe in separation and so therefore we don’t see how it is all only ever a reflection of our state. We also forget that like any mirror, the Mirror of the Outer World also contains a degree of distortion.

The whole vast world is you pushed out because we are all sharing the same Source consciousness, and what you see in your world is a reflection of your state of being. ‘Everything is you pushed out’ and mirroring go hand in hand: the whole world is pushed out from you at the level of Source, and the physical reality that you are able to perceive is a mirror of the state that you are embodying. 

Source consciousness, who you really are beyond form, is a prolific creator that indiscriminately plays all of the parts, for the same Source that animates the ocean also animates the tsunami. As humans, we are co-creating with Source all of the time, whether we are aware of this or not. When you fully accept that you are Source in human form, and that your humanness is the conduit that shapes and directs whatever Source creates, you will live your life completely differently because you know you are no longer a victim of your circumstances. You will know that everything you see around you is only Source co-creating with you, that it is only a reflection of your inner state. But before we come to these spiritual teachings, we will live a portion of our lives not realising that we are directing Source energy, almost feeling like we are somehow at the mercy of it because we don’t know how to work with it. But Source consciousness will give you anything that you ask for, so even when we unconsciously go around in a state of fear and lack, Source will create those circumstances at your command and the physical world will reflect them back to you. Luckily, reflections change. When we understand this and then choose to engage in conscious creation, we then create circumstances than align with our desires instead.

This is why the world is our mirror, but because we forgot who we really are, we no longer recognise ourselves in the reflection. Sometimes we only recognise the reflection when it’s something that we want to see. It is true that sometimes what we see in the physical is a blatant reflection and we can accept it straight away and understand where it came from. For example, you feared rejection, and then you saw it.

But what about the times when the physical is reflecting back something you don’t recognise? If something is not apparent on the surface, it is because the mirror is reflecting something deeper within you. It is not so much a question of “how did I create this unfavourable circumstance?” but a question of “what is this reflecting back to me about me?”. To illustrate this, I’ll give you an example from my own experience. For most of my life, I have longed for a sense of freedom, whether this means being authentically myself or the freedom to go wherever I wanted to go. I wanted freedom because I believed I didn’t have it, and so I resisted anything that felt like I was trapped. Of course, what we resist persists, and this would then be mirrored back for most of my life, in the form of non-acceptance at school, having to conform to a standard I didn’t agree with in order to be noticed and heard, and relationships where I did not feel free to be who I was.  This also played out in smaller circumstances too. For example, I would see this mirrored to me at the airport, when the security officers would question me for no apparent reason, turn out my suitcase all over the floor, and delay me from meeting my friend who was waiting for me on the other side. I had internalised a lack of freedom so much that once I even had my luggage loaded onto the plane, only to be told I couldn’t go with it, because the flight had been overbooked and there was no seat for me. I sat in the airport at 3am, dumbfounded, that most of my belongings would be in another country the next day and I wouldn’t be there with them. Only now, looking back, do I understand it as my mirror.

This was all because I had some deep seated belief that I am somehow not allowed to be where I want to be or that I have to compromise to get there. I believed in this lack of freedom so much that it would even be shown to me in instances like this. And when I looked at these circumstances, instead of understanding how they were my mirror, I resisted them and became annoyed by them, so they reflected back to me even harder. The mirror will continue to reflect back to us until we truly see and understand what we are looking at.

When we fail to see that there is no separation and that everything is interconnected, it can be difficult to see how our outer reality is always reflecting back to us a state that we have occupied for so long. But a mirror is always a mirror, even when you don’t recognise it to be so.

Whether it’s a physical one you’re stood in front of or it’s the whole universe, everything is a mirror reflecting to you your state of being in any given moment. Whether the reality is showing only a mild distortion or it is showing it like funhouse mirror, it is always reflecting back to you. How much of this we recognise all depends on our awareness at the time, but as our awareness unfolds we see how our physical world has been reflecting back to us all along. In my experience, the most profound teachings I have ever uncovered were always hidden in plain sight.

I think that the understanding that the world is our mirror is one of those profound teachings that is easy to overlook. I feel that most of us that come to Neville’s teachings, or any works in this area of spirituality, will agree with this concept but we won’t truly put it into practice. 

The world is your mirror. 

You agree with this, but do you accept it?

Because accepting it means something different. Because if you truly accepted that the world is your mirror, you would not become overly affected if you didn’t like what you see. You would know that your emotional reaction to unfavourable circumstances has nothing to do with the outcome. You wouldn’t feel powerless. You wouldn’t try to manipulate the reflection, or as Neville says, you wouldn’t “break the mirror to change your face”, because you would know that it only shows to you what you have put in front of it. The reason this all sounds so simple is because it is. There is nothing more simple and more clear than a mirror. We overcomplicate it, sure, but we were supposed to. We had to suffer in order to come back full circle. 

The physical world is so clear of a surface, it is so clear in what it reflects back, that we can miss it. It is the ultimate paradox: it mirrors us so perfectly, it is so glaringly obvious, that we don’t even recognise what we are looking at. Sometimes we only accept it as our reflection when it is what we want, and in the times that we don’t, we reject it and see it as separate. Neville said that “looking out and seeing this world as mechanical and not spiritual causes you to remain lost in its search.” When you understand the outer reality as the mirror that it is, you can very clearly see there is no separation at all. 

The illusion of separation is the biggest reason why we don’t recognise the world as our mirror, yet we accept our physical reflection as ourselves effortlessly every single day. That is because when you literally look in the mirror and see your face, there is no separation between what you see and what you identify yourself as. We accept our reflection in the mirror as ourselves, even when it looks different, and in that moment we have transcended separation. Mirrors are not just a poetic or symbolic way of describing how the entire game of life plays out, they are literally showing us how our reality works. 

And when you realise you have the power to change what you see, you would only ever go within in order to shift the reflection. Accepting that the world is your mirror means allowing and practicing non-resistance even when you don’t like what you see, because you know that it is only showing back to you a state you were in at the time. 

Look in a mirror and you, as God, will see your physicality stare back at you in the form of a human. Look in the Mirror of the Whole World and you, as God, will see your physicality stare back at you in the form of the entire cosmos, and you will know that you are one with it all.

About Author

Kriston is a filmmaker interested in the blurring of art, imagination, and everyday life.


  • Rob
    October 13, 2020 at 4:21 AM

    Such a great article Kriston; so clear, powerful and enlightening, Thank you.

  • Sejeong
    October 13, 2020 at 8:55 AM

    Love you kriston

  • Kimberly
    October 13, 2020 at 10:08 AM

    Lovely! ❤️

  • Frank
    October 13, 2020 at 7:37 PM

    Great article. Explains a lot

  • Karima ALI
    October 14, 2020 at 1:05 AM

    Thank you fot this article

  • Jeana
    October 26, 2020 at 12:10 PM

    Mind blown! This is an amazing article and honestly, it’s interesting how much it connects with other teachings in psychology and pop culture. I also love that if we accept that the mirror only reflects what we put in front of it then it really empowers us. Because the flip side of that is to put something else in front of the mirror! So great!

  • Simone
    November 14, 2020 at 2:12 PM

    Such a clear and mind blown article!
    Nevertheless I have a question. Are the thoughts in my head – for example when I argue with somebody in my head or I worry about sth that hasn’t happened yet, my reflections, too? Or does “everything is you pushed out” means everything in your 3D, already manifested reality, is me pushed out? I’m wondering if my thoughts create the 3D or if my state of being creates my thoughts first? Sometimes I am in fear about my own thoughts, when I spiral negatively. Hope this makes sense!

    • Harunah
      January 15, 2021 at 9:49 AM

      The latter. Everything in your 3D, already manifested reality is you pushed out. What you see in your 3D is just yourself mirrored back

    January 6, 2021 at 2:09 PM

    Kriston querida, como sempre um artigo seu responde a uma questão minha! Estamos todos conectados. Sempre me identifico muito com suas palavras. É maravilhoso estar aqui, muito obrigada!

  • lopamudra jena
    February 14, 2021 at 11:33 AM

    Very good article.There is a question.If everything outside is mirroring my inner state,then if the matter is with my SP and I know he is reflecting back my inner state which is something I don’t like.Then how would I recognise where my inner state is limited and how can I know and change them to see the wanted version of my Specific Person.Can anybody help me?

  • Rachael
    February 24, 2021 at 4:52 PM

    Often this is related to a belief that is ready to be shed because the reason for finding these teachings is to recognize our true power and buy the pearl (give up all we’ve previously believed about ourselves + reality and only trusting in our human imagination and consciousness).
    Have a think about what belief this is showing up but no need to dwell – redirect that focus on what it is you wish to experience. God is love, life, perfection. When we begin to see imperfection we have descended (as neville has stated). Choose what you wish to experience and focus only on this – i.e there are no issues there are no problems ❤️ hope this helps you! – R

  • […] come into our awareness- either through desires or experiences- for a reason (of course, because everyone is our mirror), and this is why I believe that we are one with the people in our lives and are manifesting. No […]


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