Everyone Is You Pushed Out / Specific Person

Manifesting A Specific Person

Before you learnt about the Law, I am sure you felt the feeling of being in love, or at least what it feels to like someone. Do you remember the love and bliss you felt? The feeling of completeness and wholeness? Maybe every problem seemed to dissolve, and it felt like everything was right in the world. You had someone to lean on, to share laughs and smiles with, and to embrace you. Or even just that feeling when you decided “this is my person” when you saw your specific person.

The reason you felt all of these beautiful feelings, is because you gave yourself permission to experience it. You gave yourself permission to love the other person, and to be in a relationship with them. You gave yourself permission to want them, and to feel all of these wonderful feelings and emotions. You accepted it as true for yourself and for your life, without even realizing it- it was all you.

There is a saying I heard a few years ago, something along the lines of “People want love so badly, because it is the closest thing we have to magic”.

At the time, I did not understand what this meant. Over the years, experiencing with the Law consciously, going through relationships, and then accepting who I really am, I finally understood what that saying meant. I felt it.

When you fall in love, the reason it feels so magical, so peaceful and so blissful, is because that feeling is the closest thing to the feeling of returning Home to your True Self. That feeling is a spark of who we really are, the essence of every part of us, to the core. But if you don’t know this, or haven’t fully accepted it, then when you break up with a person you might think this relationship, with all of the beautiful feelings, is difficult to attain or is gone.

You gave yourself permission to allow them to love you, and to be in this relationship with you. In other words, you did not resist your desires, you allowed yourself to accept this desire to be in a relationship with them, to love and feel for them very effortlessly. It felt blissful, it felt beautiful, it felt calm and reassuring.

Fear is resisting love. Because love is all that there is. God is love, and there can never be anything other than love. Even in the unlovely feelings and circumstances, right there is love, waiting for you to acknowledge it and recognize it. Your specific person is waiting for you. That relationship is waiting for you. Everything is waiting for you. Waiting for you to remember who you truly are.

If you don’t understand this, fear may overpower you, and the pain will feel so strong and real in that moment. But don’t worry, you can fall back, and forget who you are, because nothing can take away love. Nothing can erase the fulfillment of your desires. Right now, right here, you can give yourself permission to once again fall in love with love.

And then, you can give yourself permission to feel fulfilled, and to rekindle that relationship. You can do it as easily and as effortlessly as you did when you first met them, or when you first saw them. Just as easily as you accepted the wanting of the desire, is the same way you accept the having of the desire.

But then along the way, the false sense of separation and the illusion of incompleteness emerges. Fear begins and you might feel consumed by it. And when you fall for this illusion, you think you’ve lost this relationship. You start to participate in life through difficulty and conflict, when it comes to relationships and manifesting them.

Even when learning about the Law, some people are still believing this illusion, so in turn they try very hard and force themselves into perfection.

This doesn’t mean you will never feel or experience things that will make you feel bad. Of course you will, because you are still having a human experience. And that’s fine, because this is also fine as it is. But your reactions and perceptions of everything will be mostly different. It will be filtered through the eyes of your True Self, and not through the state of fear, separation, conflict or incompleteness.

Although, this is a normal part of the human experience and some days will be better than others. A secure relationship is not void of conflicts, but navigating things from a different space. Emotions will no longer feel like something you constantly have to run away from, but something that you will feel more and more safe to process.

This love and oneness that you want to feel is always right there, but sometimes we are too busy justifying our reasons as to why things can’t manifest, and letting the state of fear take priority, to even notice it.

Once you truly accept this, there will be mutual love and respect, and a feeling of security will wash over you. What you’re really experiencing is your natural state of being. There will be no mind games or need to prove your value. There will be no chasing, neediness or desperation. You can certainly manifest a specific person from doing this, but it will be short lived and you will manifest hot and cold results. Because this state of mind comes from feeling separation and lack.

Choose a couple that you admire and think about them, a couple that you know has mutual love and respect for one another. Ponder over how they act, how they look at each other, and how they describe their relationship etc. There are no mind games involved here or need to chase each other. It is an effortless, free flowing exchange of love. A space to grow and evolve with one another. This doesn’t mean problems don’t arise, but it is solved with love. And when you know who you really are, solving becomes easy.

Disclaimer: Each situation is different. I believe while manifesting a specific person, the main priority should be to shift our own conditions, and to release any unhealthy attachments we have. Manifesting a relationship, or anything for that matter, should not compromise our mental health. And if you are beginning to feel this way, I highly urge seeking a good medical or psychological professional to help navigate what you are feeling, if possible. Sometimes it is also necessary to create distance and space between ourselves and the desire at first in order to cultivate feelings of security and safety, because hyperfocusing on a person can perpetuate unhealthy patterns.

About Author

Jennifer is a freelance writer currently working on her first fiction novel. Living in the labyrinth of New York City, she has learnt to use the Law in every aspect of her life to awaken the Godself within her. Her aim is to spread this beautiful knowledge to others so they may also find peace and love within.


  • Dottie Silas
    January 13, 2020 at 8:00 AM

    Such a beautiful article and always right on time for me. Thank you very much.

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:31 AM

      Thank you so much! I am really glad you enjoyed it 🙂 <3

  • Manisha Sharma
    January 13, 2020 at 8:16 AM

    What a gem! Thank you for this beautiful piece 🙂

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:33 AM

      Thank you beautiful! Your support means a lot 🙂 <3

  • Thais
    January 13, 2020 at 8:16 AM

    Jennifer! This post ia so amazing!!! Thanks for everything , every word, every minute that you dedicate for this site. I am learning day by day , now i make parte of Facebook group, and its making changings in my life. Yesterday I had some experiences that It seems that life was celebrating me!!!! Simple like that! One day I Will make a POST about It! Everything that I desire is stay in this feeling for the rest of my life! Everytime I read a POST from you I can feel the Love that I am.
    Hugs from Brasil
    Love, Thais

    • Mariana
      January 19, 2020 at 9:40 AM

      I love this blog, but it is the best post eveeer!

      • Jennifer Ramdeo
        January 30, 2020 at 10:36 AM

        Hi Mariana!

        Thank you for the lovely comment, I am really glad you enjoyed this article and our blog! Lots of love 🙂 <3

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:34 AM

      Hi Lovely!

      Thank you for this beautiful message, it warmed my heart 🙂 I am so glad the website and facebook group is helping you! I can feel the Love, as we are One 🙂 <3

      Thank you for supporting, lots of love :*

  • Karelia
    January 13, 2020 at 9:41 AM

    You are always talking to my heart ❤️ with these posts. Thank you ?

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:36 AM

      Oh this is such a sweet thing to say! I am really glad I do that for you. Thank you for supporting 🙂 <3

  • Vishal Nair
    January 13, 2020 at 1:23 PM

    Thankyou Jennifer ?, you always explain so well ?. Lots of love

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:37 AM

      Thank you Vishal! I am glad you enjoyed the article and thank you for your continuous support, it means a lot to me 🙂 <3

  • iamiamiamiam
    January 13, 2020 at 1:49 PM

    have you experienced the promise jennifer? if you did could you please make a post about it? i am very interested in the promise and what it means to different people as i don’t think that everyone’s experience will be same as neville’s but since i haven’t experienced it i want to learn haha

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:42 AM

      Hi! I will certainly make a post on this 🙂 <3 Thank you for supporting and reading!

  • Maria
    January 13, 2020 at 5:54 PM

    Dear Jennifer,

    This article is written from a place of pure love. It is truly amazing. Words fail to describe how I feel now. Thank you for walking us home, to the place of pure love where we all belong.

    <3 <3 <3

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:43 AM

      Hi Maria!

      I am really glad my words helped you, it means a lot to me 🙂 Thank you for reading and for commenting! Lots of love <3

  • Alex
    January 13, 2020 at 11:06 PM

    Hi Jennifer,
    This is a lovely article, thank you.
    Can you please explain how does one get to “True Self” state? I’ve been at it for months and I just can’t figure it out.
    Thank you,

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:46 AM

      Hi Alex!

      Thank you for reading and commenting, I am glad my articles are helping you 🙂 <3

      Look out for episode 3 of our podcast coming Next Week, where will be discussing this more (your True Self). Also, we discuss about it a lot in the first episode of our podcast. You can find that here: Although the title of the podcast says "specific person", the podcast is about way more than that. I hope this helps you! And I will be writing an article on this too 🙂

      Lots of love <3

  • Ellie
    January 14, 2020 at 2:11 AM

    The more learn, the more I seem to need to unlearn. That it is not about endlessly doing SATS or repeating affirmations, but about allowing. A couple of days ago I wondered if just feeling in love, like when our relationship started, was enough. And then this article arrived.

    The faith that things always work out, that all my desires are fulfilled, even when everything seems backwards, that I don’t have to do do do do…that’s where I tend to trip myself up. It actually feels scary to stop doing!

    When I read stories about ‘I imagined this and then half an hour later it happened’, while I feel like I understand it all intellectually and still seem to be on the same page 5 months later…I feel like I know all the ins and outs of the car but are unable to drive it and it makes me wonder what I am missing…how to allow…

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:52 AM

      Hi Ellie!

      Time is an illusion, so don’t worry about time. You are not missing anything at all. Everyone is you pushed out, so those people are just a reflection of what you have alive within you. Which means a part of you has already accepted that this is true for you. Don’t be too hard on yourself. This is a process and a journey. I would suggest working on your self concept, stepping into Love and becoming aware of your True Self.

      You got this! & I revised this message, to say you manifested your dream life 🙂 <3

      lots of love!

      • Ellie
        February 2, 2020 at 7:49 AM

        That is so sweet of you, thank you!

        You are right, I have accepted that it is true, maybe just not that it is true for me?? I am not sure, knowing it is all my dream anyway, no one can take anything away, nothing is ever lost…it makes me calm and much happier than I have ever been, it’s my lack of 3D manifesting that makes absolutely no sense to me.

  • Esther Isaiah
    January 15, 2020 at 11:21 PM

    Your articles are like a lifeline for me and they always come at the right time, thank you so much for your words and your heart Jennifer! ❤️

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      January 30, 2020 at 10:53 AM

      Hi Esther! This is so sweet of you to say, I am truly so happy that my articles help you! Love you <3

  • graeme
    April 21, 2020 at 8:29 AM

    Hi Jennifer,

    So if you are someone trying to manifest a specific person, all you are saying that we all already have our desires already here and that they aren’t in our 3D world yet? and that all we need to do is feel self love and know that everything is perfect and safe and that we don’t even need to visualize a scenario with our specific person?

  • Iman
    April 21, 2020 at 6:23 PM

    Descubrí a Jennifer por una amiga y no puedo dejar de leerlos! ❤ Con respecto a las personas casadas que eligen manifestar una nueva relación porque aman a otra persona pueden dejar en manos del Dios interior el cómo se dará el divorcio para manifestar lo nuevo o tienen que tomar acción en el 3D? Quiero acotar que ya no escucho a diferentes coach para evitar entrar en confusión. Gracias!❤

  • Delie
    September 10, 2020 at 5:45 AM

    It’s one of the posts I keep reading over and over again, like a holy script. Every time I find something precious for me. Thanks Jennifer. Also thanks for reacting my request about body positivity and desired look. ???

  • […] Why Manifesting A Specific Person Is Natural & Easy […]

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  • Lopamudra
    February 22, 2021 at 11:32 PM

    It is a great post.I am understanding the things.Its very new for me.Just want to ask what is exactly ” to accept who you really are”.What does it mean?Does it mean just to love myself first,then my SP will love me in the same way?I went through your post and felt how beautiful things are.Can you please explain in a bit easy way coz I would love to experience all the beautiful essence of a relationship with my SP and be with him forever.

  • […] often, manifestation is tackled from a perspective of separation- a place of reaching, striving and grasping. However, when someone feels the need to approach a relationship or a […]

  • Coco
    March 22, 2024 at 4:53 AM

    I have a problem because:
    1. I can’t remember my SP presence in my mind (due to unrelated depression) anymore so I truly feel that we are seperate and I worry that I cannot reach him with my techniques
    2. He pretty much did reject me in the 3d. He used to be crazy about me, message not stop, initiate talk about marriage etc but after we broke up I manifested many times his messages, then I would spiral if he left on read & would suppress it but then blow up at him. He had enough I suppose and last communication after I became mad he told me to get f*, that I’m crazy, wasting his time. He made a post about when someone turns out to be different than you thought. So I feel he kind of didn’t want me anymore & I felt rejected. Then that old story now haunts me no matter how I try to rid of it. So now I’m left in FEAR of him rejecting me again.
    3. Big problem – I literally don’t know how to feel love at all. People say think of the love I have for family or a pet….but even that I don’t have. It sounds heartless. But I think it’s more that I’m autistic or something. So how do I feel love with SP? Love should feel like a chemical high? Or should be from the heart? Or should be like in a modern day love song? Or old fashioned love song like Julio Iglesias? Everyone seems to experience love different? So I literally have no clue 😭


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